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To: 38 Degrees

E-Democracy Now!

Dear David Babbs

If sufficient 38 Degrees members agree to the concept, we should collaborate with as many groups as we can on the development of an alternative system of direct democracy, - a UK People's Administration.

Why is this important?

We have the technology now to overcome the inadequacies and corruption of Parliamentary democracy. We have the will, but lobbying our rotten Parliament over and over again with e-petitions can only effect change within the limited parameters set by the corporations and bankers. It will only get us so far.

The vision of a real alternative - a Direct Democracy - or a UK People's Administration is so closely aligned with that of 38 Degrees and it's members that it makes sense to explore the concept with groups who are campaigning for E-democracy - to collaborate with them on the development of infrastructure for a better system of governance.
United Kingdom

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2014-07-14 09:00:57 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-04-29 12:37:25 +0100

10 signatures reached