James Brokenshire MP, Minister for Immigration
A fairer UK visa system for spouses of British citizens
To alter current legislation to allow partners of British citizens equal visa rights as partners of European citizens.
Why is this important?
Many British citizens are being separated from their foreign spouses because they can not get their partner a visa unless they meet a very strict financial criteria and their partner passes an English exam. Meanwhile partners of European citizens automatically qualify for a U.K. spouse visa regardless as to income or English ability. Where British citizens have contributed to the economy of the UK through the tax system and other means, European citizens who haven't contributed the UK are given preferential treatment when applying for visa for their spouses. This isn't a fair system.
Yesterday my wife got refused a visa again. This time we applied on the bases that she has a 5 month old British baby who needs breast feeding. In our refusal letter the Home Office said she doesn't need a visa because I am British and even though I work full time, I should find time to look after the baby. Apparently babies don't need mothers! And I am still not sure how I will Brest feed?!?!
2015-09-06 14:55:36 +0100
My wife is in the UK now on a tourist visa. We now have a three month old son as well as a three year old daughter but we will have to leave the UK soon, despite being settled here with a home, a good job and my daughter goes to nursery. All because the government wont let my wife have a visa.