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To: Westminster politicians

A free NHS is a fundamental part of what the electorate consider to form "Britain"

Withdraw the threat to charge for NHS services. We already pay for these!

Why is this important?

This represents a fundamental change to the society that can be considered to be "British". Any move, unsupported by referendum, to follow through with this seismic change to to the social environment represents a complete disregard for the wishes of the general population. This is nothing short of a conscious, deliberate attack on our way of life.



2016-03-19 22:09:39 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-01-27 18:43:37 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-10-27 12:57:24 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-07-20 15:58:05 +0100

10 signatures reached