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To: HM the Queen, the government and the honours committee

A knighthood for Captain Tom!

As Captain Tom approaches his 100th birthday, he has already raised a simply unbelievable £17m for NHS charities by walking round his garden. He is an absolute inspiration. He fought before for our country and now he is fighting again. An immediate knighthood would be a fabulous birthday present, one that the entire country would celebrate.

Why is this important?

Such recognition of someone with such grit and determination is way more important than “honouring” sports people or politicians or civil servants or random celebrities. Let’s take care of Captain Tom and then think about all the other ordinary heroes doing extraordinary things at the moment.


2020-04-15 23:18:40 +0100

This campaign is really building momentum now. Let’s keep this going and do it for Captain Tom!

2020-04-15 22:55:01 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-04-15 19:17:34 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-04-15 16:24:48 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-04-15 14:18:18 +0100

10 signatures reached