500 signatures reached
To: The Rt Hon Patrick McLoughlin MP
Allow Carers use of the Blue Badge Scheme

Allow carers the use of Blue Badges when visiting (the disabled person(s) they normally care for, in) hospital.
Why is this important?
When the Blue Badge Holder is admitted into hospital, his/her carers responsibilities are reduced, however, in order to visit, the disabled person in hospital, the carer must pay full parking charges, which can be £12 a day. The carer may only use the Blue Badge if the disabled person (Blue Badge Holder) is being dropped off or picked up. As Carers Allowance is only £61.35 a week, after some 5 days of visiting the carer is "out of pocket", whereas some hospital car parks are free for Blue Badge Holders.The financial burden, upon the carer, when the disabled person is discharged from hospital, can be quite harsh, especially if the carer has had to pay for parking.