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To: Sarah Rapson, Director General, UK Visas & Immigration

Amend the financial requirements for spousal immigration

Reduce the minimum financial requirements for migrating spouses and partners of British citizens.

Allow assets and accommodation to be deductible from this requirement.

Abolish re assessment after 2.5 years and allow families the rights they pay tax for.

Allow income from transferable jobs (on line businesses) and income from assets of foreign spouses to be considered.

Why is this important?

The Laws for UK Spouse and Partner immigration are tearing families apart. A requirement of £18,600 in income or £62,500 in savings is placed solely on the UK spouse. At minimum wage this would involve working 55 hours a week, which is simply unavailable in this climate.

Many families and partners of British citizens are stuck from returning home due to the strict financial requirements, whilst European residents walk freely into the country.

Ironically the English speaking countries of Australia New Zealand and America also fall under this bracket, unlike countries such as Romania, Russia and Poland.

House owners and highly skilled workers, are all prevented from returning to the UK, despite being in well paid jobs abroad, this is due to the lack of work in the UK that exceeds this requirement.

The requirements do not consider assets such as house ownership, or partners earning capacity. Those with savings are prevented from investing in the country as only cash savings count when held for over 6 months are considered.

A plea to reduce this requirement to around £13,000 was rejected by the high court claiming it did not infringe on the right to a family life. However it seems obvious it is.

This is clearly a move to reduce immigration that has failed, it has isolated working and middle class families, and by its own admission ''did not consider any other factors but financial, and was based solely on central London''

Its other purpose was stated as being to stop dependence on state support, however this does not prevent foreign EU residents from claiming state support, only British citizens wishing to bring their partners and family home.

This is a policy from the Tory government which has betrayed our rights as citizens and further divided our ability to have family lives. Typically to Tory politics, this was based on money and favoured the rich.

Please sign the petition to bring our families and loved ones home, so we may not be replaced by the new wave of European immigration.



2017-02-22 11:27:47 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-07-13 19:03:09 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-03-13 08:30:13 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-03-11 13:46:28 +0000

10 signatures reached