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To: David Cameron

ammend or remove the Psychoactive Substances Bill

I am petitioning to remove or ammend the Psychoactive Substances Bill in its current form. I would like to stress that I am NOT supporting the use of legal highs. However the definitions in the bill would appear to ban many traditional herbal remedies, and essentially criminalise human emotions.

Why is this important?

The bill in its current form with its definition of psychoactive substances would appear to ban things such as herbal teas, botanical substances and herbal remedies with a long standing tradition of use; for example; chammomile, valarian, lavender, st John's wort and things such as essential oils. These substances have a positive effect on human health and in many instances have proven scientific uses that lessen the need for taking toxic medications; for example sleep aids and relaxing herbal teas. The Psycoactive Substances Bill would criminalise law abiding citizens that look to alternative medicines and further remove our freedom of choice in matters of our personal health and wellbeing. Although there is an exemption for "traditional herbal remedies" once again the definition is very subjective and open to broad interpretation.

The definition in the act of a psychoactive effect is as follows; "...a substance produces a psychoactive effect in a person if, by stimulating or depressing the person’s central nervous system, it affects the person’s mental functioning or emotional state..." This extremely loose definition could apply to almost anything that a human can find enjoyment in, from a cup of herbal tea, to watching TV, to enjoying a joke with friends. At the very least these definitions need to be ammended to prevent potential future abuses of this legislation.


2016-05-11 07:27:09 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-01-10 17:28:18 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-07-11 23:47:03 +0100

10 signatures reached