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To: The Prime Minister

Andrew Lansley should not be appointed as UN Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs

This is a petition asking that the prime minister should not appoint Andrew Lansley as the replacement for Baroness Amos as the next UN Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs.

Why is this important?

The role of this UN secretary is vitally important in saving lives and livelihoods in emergencies that arise as a result of man-made and natural disasters. It is a post that requires experience, and knowledge of international relief efforts and diplomatic skills to permit the co-ordination of relief efforts by various nations at a time of great need. Lansley does not have such experience or knowledge and he is not a trained diplomat.



2019-02-17 22:32:34 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-01-17 21:18:59 +0000

10 signatures reached