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To: Simon Kirby MP

Animal Abuse Register

implement an animal abuse register on par with the sex offenders register...animal abuse is on the increase and they need to have a voice, and a deterrent....and current punishment by the courts offers only a smack on the wrist...this is NOT GOOD ENOUGH....animals are sentient beings, they MUST HAVE RIGHTS...and until this is addressed, how dare we call ourselves HUMAN....

Why is this important?

It is time to take a stand against animal abuse in ALL IT'S FORMS....Animals have as much right to welfare and to life as people....animal husbandry seems to have long since vanished. Wildlife is fighting for survival, as indiscriminate culls are enforced by people with little or no experience of right or wrong, scientists are being ignored and greed is taking over Animals need a voice, and we the people must be that voice....So far three states in the USA have implemented such a register, and it is to be rolled out across other states in the is a start...ARE WE GOING TO LAG BEHIND...



2017-01-17 00:49:36 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-07-17 23:54:20 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-06-09 12:06:03 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-04-01 11:59:08 +0100

10 signatures reached