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To: Chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life

Attendance Penalty Notices for Politicians and Elected Officials PETITION

We, the undersigned, petition that a £60 Penalty Notice be issued to any politician (in central, devolved and local government) each time they fail to attend a scheduled meeting where their annual attendance is at, or below 90% of their scheduled meetings. This Penalty Charge should be paid within 21 days rising to £120 within 28 days of the notice bringing it in line with other Penalty Notices.

Why is this important?

The Government Penalty Notices Regulations 2013 requires schools to keep a register of young people attending school and where unauthorised absences result in a pupil’s attendance falling below 90%, then Penalty Notices may (in all but exceptional circumstances) be issued requiring parents to pay £60 within 21 days rising to £120 within 22-28 days of the notice.

The justification for the Penalty Notices Legislation is for pupils to benefit from education and achieve their full potential through regular attendance.

We believe that the issue of regular attendance is not restricted purely to children who we believe can only genuinely learn the value of attendance if those requiring improvements in absenteeism also adhere to the same standards in their own attendance.

This petition calls upon the politicians and elected officials in central, devolved and local government to demonstrate an equal commitment and achievement of at least 90% attendance throughout the year for all meetings, committees, sub-committees and other duties required of them in their public role.

The purpose of this is to help politicians achieve their full potential within their role as required of them by the British public and demonstrate meaningful commitment to the seven principles of public life - in particular to Integrity, Accountability and Leadership.

Data on politicians’ attendance at committees and official duties is already collected and reported at all levels. Penalty Notices should be levied at the same rates and timescales as those issued to parents whose children fail to meet attendance requirements. This demonstrates equity and integrity.



2014-12-22 00:33:56 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-12-21 22:29:39 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-12-21 22:10:29 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-12-21 21:34:46 +0000

10 signatures reached