To: Michael Gove
Restrict the sale of unguarded sticky fly traps

Restrict the sale of sticky fly traps to those enclosed in guards in order to protect wildlife.
Why is this important?
Sticky traps for flies are widely available in the UK and cost less than 25p. Promoted as safe alternatives to pesticides, they pose a severe hazard to bats, as well as other wildlife, which can become trapped in the glue.
Each bat, which is highly protected under UK and EU law, dies a slow, painful death from dehydration, starvation and exhaustion. Often many animals are caught, as each responds to the distress call of another. My experience of trying to release a dying animal is widely shared by others working with bats in the UK.
Most sticky traps carry no warning of the hazard posed. Even where warnings are given, these are unlikely to be sufficiently effective on their own since many casualties occur in locations where bats were not previously known (e.g., stables, lofts and greenhouses).
It is a cruel irony that natures own insect controllers are currently being killed by fly traps. This problem can be solved by restricting the general sale of sticky traps to devices encased in a guard.
Each bat, which is highly protected under UK and EU law, dies a slow, painful death from dehydration, starvation and exhaustion. Often many animals are caught, as each responds to the distress call of another. My experience of trying to release a dying animal is widely shared by others working with bats in the UK.
Most sticky traps carry no warning of the hazard posed. Even where warnings are given, these are unlikely to be sufficiently effective on their own since many casualties occur in locations where bats were not previously known (e.g., stables, lofts and greenhouses).
It is a cruel irony that natures own insect controllers are currently being killed by fly traps. This problem can be solved by restricting the general sale of sticky traps to devices encased in a guard.