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To: Aintree Racecourse

Ban The Grand National

To ban the Grand National race. Sport is suppose to be fair.

Why is this important?

Is it fair to see so many horses in one race compete and jump far too many hurdles and then consequently for many end up being exhausted, even some sustaining injuries and in whereby some instances have to be shot as a result of the injury because they have been deemed lame. Is that right.? Let alone fair and cruel had it not been for them partaking would not of happened and therefore likewise remained healthy and lived for several years. And in which has caused so much controversy as a result.

It promotes cruelty,a lack of disregard towards animals safety and their wellbeing all in the name of money. What message does it send out to our children and the next generation. That money supersedes the welfare, wellbeing and safety of an animal whom wouldn't ordinarily be subjected to such appalling conditions if this race didn't exist, let alone be exposed to the dangers involved such as sustaining an injury or the risk of becoming lame.



8 years ago

100 signatures reached

9 years ago

50 signatures reached

9 years ago

25 signatures reached

9 years ago

10 signatures reached