To: The Bath and NE Somerset Council

Bath Climate Change Day

Please take steps to drastically cut green-house gas emissions.

Why is this important?

The Paris Climate Change talks start on 30th November. We REALLY are, all in this together. Our Council and every one of us - needs to work towards changing our unsustainable life-styles; in order to protect areas and countries -that are vulnerable to flooding; and the whole eco-system overheating: a threat not just to people, but all living creatures. I am volunteering to co-ordinate 7-10 days, of focused activity in BANES: talks, debates, demonstrations, information-stalls,a Green Fair(?) and generally encouraging discussion and action plans - leading up to Bath Climate Change Day on Sunday 29th November.
All groups who can relate to this aim - please contact me with ideas and offers of help. Children's involvement welcome - 'It's their planet'! (eg/ schools and clubs making animal masks of favourite animals that would be threatened by climate change (and it won't be just polar bears folks) - for a Chronicle photo-spread? There is also a need for child-friendly information; that is constructive and 'hopeful' - 'Scary' is a turn-off! I am co-ordinating an anti-clash diary, and posting the final diary of events - mid- November. I've booked a Climate Change information board at the Central Library - 2nd-7th November

 Bath Abbey Courtyard, Bath

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