100 signatures reached
To: Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP)
BCP Council Should Remove Dale Valley Road Bollards

Residents of Dale Valley Road and the surrounding areas urge that the local authority, namely BCP council has the bollards which are situated on Dale Valley Road at the beginning of Dale Close removed due to safety concerns. Alternatives which are safer should also be subject to public consultation.
Why is this important?
The bollards which were erected halfway up Dale Valley were initially constructed by Poole Borough Council several years ago with the intention to reduce speeding. Yet the bollards have caused more collisions for road users and problems for pedestrians than they have prevented them.
Motorists frequently crash into the bollards. As a result, the bollards quite often fly many metres from the chicanes. As a resident who has had one bollard fly as far as 20 metres from the chicane onto my front garden on impact, my family and neighbours are increasingly expressing their speculations and concerns that the bollards may, to put it bluntly, eventually hit an elderly person, a child or someone and cause a fatality. Each of the bollards weights can range from approximates of 25kg to 60kg and they are dense.
More locally, a relatable case which occurred in Lymington, Hampshire, supports how fatal a bollard related accident can be, even when one is not crashed into by a vehicle going at a 30mph+, but instead, when stationary and loose. In this case, a young child reportedly spent 6 months in critical condition after one bollard fell on them. For more on that story, see: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-50663631
Taking the above story into consideration: imagine if a bollard was hit by a motorist for whatever reason and seriously injured them, their passenger, another motorist or a pedestrian?
As a resident and an older brother to a five-year-old, my family and I fear that a bollard could soon hit and fatally injure someone if crashed into. We do not want that to happen to anyone.
Dale Valley Road is quite a populated area and a busy thoroughfare. The road is used by all kinds of people from residents with young children, schoolchildren, the elderly and commuters as well as people's animals etc...
I have lived on Dale Valley Road on and off for around 13 years. Before the bollards were erected, I and others rarely witnessed or heard vehicles crash. But now, crashes are a frequent occurrence. At night time, typically when the bollards are hit, the area surrounding the bollards is poorly lit. That is not to say more lighting would solve the problems we have experienced and will most likely continue to do so as the bollards have been crashed into during daylight hours, and many motorists should use their lights when visibility is poor. However, lights won't decrease accidents or the impact they can have alone. Many residents are demanding alternative initiatives to reduce speeding, e.g. speed cameras.
Based on the previous occasions of when bollards have flown off, BCP council have implied that they are fit for purpose; council workers have repeatedly put the bollards back up on numerous occasions. The bollards are frequently crashed into roughly around every 2-4 weeks now and this will continue unless BCP does something about it.
So now is the time for BCP council to remove the bollards on Dale Valley Road outside Dale Close. Then perhaps the local authority should consider safer alternatives because the current method is proving to be a hazard in itself rather than accident prevention.
If you are a local resident who lives in the area. Or a commuter, parent, school pupil etc... who uses Dale Valley Road as a thoroughfare. For example, you drop your child off at St. Edwards School by car or walking or you walk your dog up the road and around Parrs Plantation etc.. - then it may also be within your best interests to sign my petition so that we can mount pressure onto BCP Council into having the bollards removed then maybe come up with safer alternative solutions to speeding or bollards. Frankly, the bollards are increasing accidents.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please sign and share my petition!
Motorists frequently crash into the bollards. As a result, the bollards quite often fly many metres from the chicanes. As a resident who has had one bollard fly as far as 20 metres from the chicane onto my front garden on impact, my family and neighbours are increasingly expressing their speculations and concerns that the bollards may, to put it bluntly, eventually hit an elderly person, a child or someone and cause a fatality. Each of the bollards weights can range from approximates of 25kg to 60kg and they are dense.
More locally, a relatable case which occurred in Lymington, Hampshire, supports how fatal a bollard related accident can be, even when one is not crashed into by a vehicle going at a 30mph+, but instead, when stationary and loose. In this case, a young child reportedly spent 6 months in critical condition after one bollard fell on them. For more on that story, see: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-50663631
Taking the above story into consideration: imagine if a bollard was hit by a motorist for whatever reason and seriously injured them, their passenger, another motorist or a pedestrian?
As a resident and an older brother to a five-year-old, my family and I fear that a bollard could soon hit and fatally injure someone if crashed into. We do not want that to happen to anyone.
Dale Valley Road is quite a populated area and a busy thoroughfare. The road is used by all kinds of people from residents with young children, schoolchildren, the elderly and commuters as well as people's animals etc...
I have lived on Dale Valley Road on and off for around 13 years. Before the bollards were erected, I and others rarely witnessed or heard vehicles crash. But now, crashes are a frequent occurrence. At night time, typically when the bollards are hit, the area surrounding the bollards is poorly lit. That is not to say more lighting would solve the problems we have experienced and will most likely continue to do so as the bollards have been crashed into during daylight hours, and many motorists should use their lights when visibility is poor. However, lights won't decrease accidents or the impact they can have alone. Many residents are demanding alternative initiatives to reduce speeding, e.g. speed cameras.
Based on the previous occasions of when bollards have flown off, BCP council have implied that they are fit for purpose; council workers have repeatedly put the bollards back up on numerous occasions. The bollards are frequently crashed into roughly around every 2-4 weeks now and this will continue unless BCP does something about it.
So now is the time for BCP council to remove the bollards on Dale Valley Road outside Dale Close. Then perhaps the local authority should consider safer alternatives because the current method is proving to be a hazard in itself rather than accident prevention.
If you are a local resident who lives in the area. Or a commuter, parent, school pupil etc... who uses Dale Valley Road as a thoroughfare. For example, you drop your child off at St. Edwards School by car or walking or you walk your dog up the road and around Parrs Plantation etc.. - then it may also be within your best interests to sign my petition so that we can mount pressure onto BCP Council into having the bollards removed then maybe come up with safer alternative solutions to speeding or bollards. Frankly, the bollards are increasing accidents.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please sign and share my petition!
How it will be delivered
The petition signatures will be collected both online and offline within the local community. Let's get as signatures as we can so that we can show BCP Council what the people want.