To: UK Prime Minster - Rishi Sunak

Benefit cuts for people with disablities and scrapping sick notes

I want the prime minster to rethink the pledge that he has set out because it is going to make disabled people suffer more and be more sidelined and have more problems. There are some disabilities where people can't work such as fibromyalgia and ms and I just want him to take notice because disabled people have been sidelined for too long

Why is this important?

The prime minster has decided to get universal credit cut for people that suffer with anxiety and depression. I am on universal credit and pip and i suffer anxiety attacks with no warning. I also have Essential tremor and ibs.

Because disabled people need to be noticed that they are not being awkward, difficult or attention-seeking. We are just trying to take things from day to day and it would help if people stood up for us more

United Kingdom

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