1,000 signatures reached
To: Witney MP, Oxfordshire County Council, West Oxfordshire District Council

Access to Oxford from the west is by the A40 and already difficult. Thousands and thousands of new houses will make the journey almost impossible. MAKE MPs and Councillors ACT NOW on the reopening of a rail link between Oxford, Witney and Carterton.
Why is this important?
The Oxford-Witney-Carterton A40 corridor is already congested and thousands of new houses are being built or planned, with consequently even more cars on the existing roads. Previous County plans going back to 2001 had envisaged the urgent need for the creation of alternative forms of transport on this busy corridor, exploring various possibilities including a rail link. The previous MP pledged in his maiden speech to work towards the reopening of a rail link between Oxford and Carterton. Twenty years later we the people of West Oxfordshire and Oxford are still waiting. We, therefore, request to:
a) plan a viable and sustainable rail route from Oxford to Carterton alongside the A40 corridor protecting the proposed route from further development
b) cost the route in question and work with central government and the rail authorities towards the creation of this link
a) plan a viable and sustainable rail route from Oxford to Carterton alongside the A40 corridor protecting the proposed route from further development
b) cost the route in question and work with central government and the rail authorities towards the creation of this link