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To: the Forestry Commission

Bring back the Forest Chair

Simple. Replace the old giant chair with a newer equivalent one rather than something else.

Why is this important?

The Giant Chair is iconic in the forest. Not only to the people of the forest but the millions of visitors to the forest each year. It has been there so long that generations have grown up with it, it has created thousands of fond memories. Its an icon to the area. Yes it was dangerous and had to be removed, Yes it is going to be replaced, but it is something that is so large and prominent in the skyline that it stands out from the rest as a singular sculpture that draws people in.

Its the Blackpool Tower of the forest, the Eiffel tower of the Dean.

Don't replace it with anything nondescript, replace it with another chair......
Forest of Dean

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2015-10-24 17:07:06 +0100

So many thanks to all for signing this, and I see we managed to get a mention in the Gloucester Citizen. I think, like all who signed, that there are no issues with having to remove the old one as it was unstable and dangerous. But it has become a Forest icon, has created many fond memories, and does bring tourism to the area. As a huge chair it was simple, but memorable and it would be a shame to replace it with something modern arty farty that doesn't appeal to the masses. It was its size and simplicity which made it popular, art for the masses and not the chosen few.

To this, I would ask the people responsible, and the Forestry Commission, to at least have some sort of vote or public referendum on what will replace it.

In the meantime, share share share and tell everyone in the forest to sign this. Its an opportunity to have a voice with its replacement rather than complain when something else takes its place....

2015-10-21 17:23:44 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-10-21 15:12:51 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-10-21 14:18:59 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-21 13:25:05 +0100

10 signatures reached