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To: First bus / nptcbc

Bus times

Our bus number 59 to ponntrhydyfen is currently still 2 hourly and a limit of 19 people serving 4 villages this is not acceptable and we would like this changed as it is becoming hard for workers ,appointment ect other buses to port Talbot are every half hr and this seems unfair

Why is this important?

People are being refused travel and missing appointments and are late for work and having to get taxi s , there are not enough seats available, if this was 1 hourly service as before then this would benefit many , also the issue of there being no bus after 6pm and this is effectively causing problems for the local public house/restaurant as it is primarily losing 24 regular customers per week. This is not what businesses need post covid ,there is also a couple of flats that are rented out by a local man and he is concerned that if there is no regular transport available then why would someone want to live at one of the properties.

Pontrhydyfen, Port Talbot SA12, UK

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