1,000 signatures reached
To: Producers of Can’t Pay? We’ll take It Away
Cancel the TV show “Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away”
Permanently cancel "Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away" - do not make entertainment out of suffering and humiliation.
Why is this important?
The Jeremy Kyle Show - which exploited people by turning human suffering into entertainment - has been permanently cancelled. But TV shows like it which profit from peoples humiliation are still allowed to exist.
“Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away” - which follows bailiffs as they knock down doors and devastate the lives of families in debt - is one of the worst culprits.
It’s already coming under the spotlight and people are starting to speak out. The show was even sued earlier this year for a breach of people’s privacy.
If you think TV bosses shouldn't turn suffering into entertainment, please sign the petition to cancel "Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away" now.
“Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away” - which follows bailiffs as they knock down doors and devastate the lives of families in debt - is one of the worst culprits.
It’s already coming under the spotlight and people are starting to speak out. The show was even sued earlier this year for a breach of people’s privacy.
If you think TV bosses shouldn't turn suffering into entertainment, please sign the petition to cancel "Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away" now.