To: All MPs

Change the Voting System so that you can 'Take Back Your Vote'

I want them to change the Voting system so that we the people may take back our vote at any time and by so doing be able to influence the politicians to vote according to the will of the electorate and not according to their own preferences and designs. I want greater accountability and responsibility from Politicians who will become directly answerable to each and every voter. Every month the voters would be able to take back and revoke their vote, thus enabling them to revote if they so desire. If a Politician can change parties when he/she likes, then so should the voters be able to change their votes.
Once the monthly vote falls below the previous politicians votes then so the next one in line should take over in his/her place because the previously elected Politicians they previously voted for would have lost the confidence of the electorate. This is Real Time Democracy in Action!

Why is this important?

It is Vitally Important because Polticians have repeatedly proven that they can't be trusted to perform according to the will of the electorate. They simply get voted in, and once they get in, then they simply do what they like. This is not accountability and it is not taking responsibility.
If they need supervising all the time like little children then so be it !
This would most defintely work because people could change their votes online, by phone or by letter or by simply filling in a form.
The resulting changes over a month would be announced and the politician would then get one months notice. He could either ask the disgruntled electorate what he can do to change things or become de-elected;( Unemployed ) .
In the same way as when employees don't perform then so should the Politicians be judged on how they perform also. This is not the only way this could be enforced and managed and maintained .There could and should be other steps put in place also to ensure that all actions were complied with in law. If a Politician refused to step down without good reason then he could simply be sacked without pay. Politicians must become accountable just like everyone else!
Democracy does not work if they are not accountable.
Any response that says i would not work is poppycock because where there is a will there is a way!
Any Politician who votes against this form of voting is really saying that they don't give a hoot for the opinions of the electorate and that they want power for themselves alone.
Why should we have to wait 4 or 5 years to get a chance to stop the unwanted actions of Politicians? Politicians must be seen to be obeying the people and not the other way round. We are fed up with empty promises; we want action Now !