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To: The Government

Close all lapdancing clubs across the UK and follow the Icelandic model

Close all lapdancing clubs across the UK and follow the Icelandic model.

Raise awareness of how this degrades both the provider and the user of these types of services; how it serves to perpetuate gender inequality and has short and long-term detrimental effects for human relationships and society.

Why is this important?

It is important to remove the profit motive from all sexual practices so that relationships between people become loving, fun and connecting unions free from any monetary value. Lets end the commoditisation of women and sexual practices in our culture so that we may evolve as a species.Tacit or active acceptance in our culture denigrates all human beings and we can do better than that. We must strive for better. I wrote to my local MP Theresa May last May about this, chased her secretary and have heard nothing. Traditional political avenues therefore may not be the initial way forward and only a change to the law will stop this latest and fast growing addiction from become incorporated into British culture the way that drinking has become the national sport. I would postulate that the stakes are much higher in this case because everyone suffers, men, women, families, communities and society. Looking back 200 years from now what sort of cultural legacy do we want to pass on?

It is the thin end of the wedge for all related sex work and has surreptitiously become part of the fabric. Its insidious nature belies a much bigger problem. Most recently I had the charge of being 'old-fashioned' levelled at me when I suggested that these places were not a suitable or harmless way for young men having a little fun on a Friday or attending a stag bash. If by trying to have a better sense of decorum I start using my mothers favourite put down (a word that has seemingly disappeared from our vernacular) vulgar; plus foster a new wave of respect between the sexes then old-fashioned is a lovely compliment and a banner I will proudly wear.