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To: Nick Clegg, Dept Prime Minister, Minister for constitutional reform

Create the ability for the public to repeal an unjust law

Create a legal structure where if 100,000 registered voters do not wish a law to be enacted it then it has to be put to a public referendum before it can pass into law. Thus unfair laws such as the Infrastructure Bill can be challenged and prevented from reaching the statute book. RIght now our democratic process is a very blunt instrument, the combination of first past the post and the fractured nature of people's views means that Government can create legislation which is against the public will but survives because elections tend to be won on macro issues.

Why is this important?

Because our current structure offers no vehicle to challenge unfair legislation and this is a major reason that people have become disaffected with politics. Also people may broadly agree with a Government direction but be very concerned about components of their program, this gives a finer grained power to manage Government that an in/out vote



2014-10-19 19:05:24 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-10-17 00:03:19 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-10-16 20:18:44 +0100

10 signatures reached