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To: Helen Whately

Decent broadband in all areas of Faversham and Mid Kent

Ensure that all of the Faversham and Mid Kent constituency gets a reliable and fast broadband service.

Why is this important?

High speed broad band is not a luxury.

People in small towns and villages need internet just as much as people in big towns and cities. Decent broadband connection is essential for everything from paying bills to running businesses.

But for some places in the UK, the internet speed is either painfully slow or non-existent. It's time the government stepped up and fulfilled it's promise of decent broadband for everyone.

The government has changed the way it interacts with citizens. The government assumes that the public can access the internet and down load all the information and documents required. But without high speed broad band the download can fail. The government expects the public to use the internet but has not ensured that there is an adequate infrastructure available to everyone.

Even where fiber optic cables are available the final section to the property is often elderly cooper cable which can severely limit data transfer speeds. The longer the length of cooper cable the greater the drop off speed.

When I was having trouble with my broad band I was able to use the computers at the library, for an hour a day (Not Sundays) provided there was a computer free. A little inconvenient but at least I have a library that I can get to easily. This is not something that is available to everybody in the constituency.

The prosperity of the region can only be enhanced when high speed broad band is available throughout the region.

Kent, UK

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2016-06-10 21:30:40 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-06-10 17:26:55 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-06-10 16:42:21 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-06-10 16:20:09 +0100

10 signatures reached