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To: Councillor Rhondda Geekie

Defend East Dunbartonshire Services, Jobs & Conditions

Please don't externalise our services and the Council workforce be it to an ALEO (Arms Length External Organisation), through privatisation or other outsourcing. Don't attack council workers' terms and conditions. Instead join the fight against austerity and the Council Tax freeze and be part of standing up for our community.

Why is this important?

Councils are democratically elected. We can hold politicians to account and kick them out if we don't like them. Externalising services weakens democratic control. The people can't sack an ALEO or private company board.

Cutting terms and conditions of council workers is unjust, unwarranted and will be counterproductive. Removing flexi time will have a disproportionate impact on women.

We need a Council that will defend and improve Council services, protect jobs and seek to make East Dunbartonshire a better place to work.
East Dunbartonshire

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2015-10-23 13:36:37 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-10-12 08:37:50 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-10-08 09:48:56 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-07 14:25:25 +0100

10 signatures reached