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To: Prime Minister

Delivering Social Value in our communities

Ensure that local authorities and all bodies who spend public money are enacting the social value act and ensuring that the organisation providing these services are providing the best possible value to society not to their share holders.

Why is this important?

Since the education reform act in 2002 schools have been the victims of profit driven organisations and individuals. Out-of-school provisions can generate huge revenue but what is that money used to do? Where does it go? It is being generated from the use of tax payers assets (schools), should society be getting the best value from it? Should it be used to develop better service? Or should companies and individuals use these profits for their own gains?

There is a simple solution; Social Enterprise, put people before profits when it comes to providing services for children in or on publicly owned assets, our schools.
Many of these still belong to the public and are paid for through the public purse, why should any organisation make profit from providing services on these sites? Yes, let's provide great services but let's get the best value and work to provide more, not declare more divided for Directors or share holders who have nothing to do with the operations of the company!

How it will be delivered

In hand, directly to the PM once we have 10,000 signatures.



2016-04-02 11:13:27 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-08-24 16:07:01 +0100

We are at 66 Signatures! Come on everyone, share away and lets get to 100!

2015-08-12 14:08:31 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-08-10 15:01:47 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-08-06 23:54:14 +0100

10 signatures reached