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To: David Cameron

Demand Secret Tory donations list.

We demand information about donations made to the United and Cecil club. As our prime minister you owe us a full and detailed report of all your donations and the United and Cecil club is a breach of that trust.

Why is this important?

Who aided the Tories in gaining votes in swing vote areas. Well we don't know because a section of the Torys campaign fund comes from a club who's donors do not have to declare their donations by keeping them small. However small these donations may be at the end of last year the United and Cecil club donated £67,500 pounds to the The Conservative Party and since the previous election have donated around half a million.

As our Prime Minister David Cameron should declare who these people are. I want to know whom our government is influenced by and seeing as some of the registered donors include rapists, tax avoiders and importers of companies goods who's long list of human rights abuses could make a person weep, I am very worried as to why the Tories would take such evasive action for these particular donations.

Join me in uncovering more Tory secrets.



2015-05-23 16:09:11 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-05-11 21:18:48 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-11 13:00:06 +0100

10 signatures reached