100 signatures reached
To: Spotlight
Demand Spotlight Change their Gender Options to Include People Who Identify Outside of the Binary.

Spotlight are currently excluding Non-Binary people and those who identify as anyone other than male/female from their site, due to their lack of options when registering. (Currently, applicants can only choose from the binary Male and Female options)
They say it is too difficult to change their system at present, but we feel this is not a valid reason and is instead, blatant trans and Non Binary discrimination.
They say it is too difficult to change their system at present, but we feel this is not a valid reason and is instead, blatant trans and Non Binary discrimination.
Why is this important?
Spotlight is “the industry’s leading casting platform”. As such, and in such a competitive field of employment such as Stage and Screen, Spotlight is gatekeeping to prevent Non-Binary and Gender Non Conforming persons from even entering the field to apply for a large percentage of the work due to their binary choices of gender options available to register. This prevents us from both applying for work as so many casting calls require spotlight, but also, from applying honestly. This wastes both the time and money of both performers and professionals seeking artists to cast for specific roles.
Non Binary people are valid and performers should not have to identify as other than who they are in order to apply for a very necessary Spotlight membership.
Non Binary people are valid and performers should not have to identify as other than who they are in order to apply for a very necessary Spotlight membership.