100 signatures reached
To: Alan Adams - Interim Director of Childrens and Adults Services
Disabled Children's Funding Cuts in Hounslow

Please stop cuts to the importance of the Short Breaks service and all it provides and the serious impact it will have on all the families with disabled children in Hounslow, if these cuts are implemented.
Why is this important?
The Short Breaks service is very important to all the families with disabled children in Hounslow. It is all about inclusion in society. Some of our families only use this service to take their disabled children out - due to cost or embarrassment because of societies attitude towards disability. Due to their family committments - this is the only networking some parents do. You hear in the media about parents comitting suicide and taking their disabled children with them. If you realised the daily stress we are under you wouldn't cut this service, because you would appreciate it's value to the family as a whole.