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To: The City of Edinburgh Council, Minister for Transport Derek Mackay

Don't extend the trams in Edinburgh

City of Edinburgh Council, please don't extend the tram lines to Leith and Newhaven.

Why is this important?

The existing trams finally came into service several years later than planned, eight stops short and 50% over its budget, at a cost of £776 million.The project has left Edinburgh the second most indebted council in Scotland, with total borrowing of more than £1.4 billion – nearly £3,000 for every resident.

The new extension is estimated to cost over £162 million. The project would be part-financed by securing a £25 million “extraordinary dividend” from publicly-owned Lothian Buses, which means reduced investment in buses, job cuts, fare rises and a possible sell-off - another rip-off for the local people.

Edinburgh has one of the best and most affordable bus services in the UK, so there is no need of trams extension.

The City of Edinburgh Council should not come to a decision to extend the lines before the Tram Public Enquiry is completed.

The money that will be spent on the needless trams extension could be used on community services, so The Council doesn't need to cut any services.

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2015-12-03 22:58:55 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-11-27 01:48:38 +0000

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2015-11-23 09:12:17 +0000

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2015-11-22 15:05:52 +0000

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2015-11-22 09:32:49 +0000

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2015-11-22 00:10:29 +0000

10 signatures reached