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To: Dr Tania Mathias

Don't force Archdeacon Cambridge to become an academy

Please do everything you can to make sure our children's school isn't forced into becoming an academy.

We like our school the way it is and don't want an expensive and pointless reorganisation.

Why is this important?

For purely ideological reasons the government wants to force all schools to become academies. This is a very expensive solution to a non-problem; there is no evidence that turning a good school into an academy will make it better.

We will lose control in two ways: we will no longer have parents' representatives on the board of governors, and our locally elected councillors will lose all their influence. Instead the school will be answerable to a private company and to civil servants in Westminster.
Twickenham Green

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2016-05-04 19:54:07 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-04-11 16:38:29 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-05 08:04:19 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-04-04 16:41:34 +0100

10 signatures reached