1,000 signatures reached
To: Stephen Dorrell MP
Call for Stephen Dorrell to Resign

Please resign your seat in parliament immediately, as your conflict of interest with KPMG is incompatible with your work as an MP and shamefully brings parliament into disrepute.
Why is this important?
Next week my constituency MP, Stephen Dorrell, will be starting a 21-hour-a-week post with KPMG as a health policy consultant on a massive salary.
Stephen Dorrell has chaired the Commons Health Select Committee until this summer, a role requiring impartiality, yet he will now be helping KPMG bid for £1bn NHS contracts. This presents a serious conflict of interest and misuse of his privileged position on the select committee making him unfit to continue as an MP.
Public trust in politicians is vital for a working democracy but is currently at an all time low. Dorrell's action in joining KPMG displays yet enough cynical lack of integrity amongst MPs. Civil Servants have to wait 2 years to take up such posts relating to their government work, so MPs should also follow this principle.
If it is discovered that Stephen Dorrell was in discussion with KPMG whilst Chair of the select committee, it would discredit the role of select committees.
See Mirror article here:
And Daily Telegraph article:
Stephen Dorrell has chaired the Commons Health Select Committee until this summer, a role requiring impartiality, yet he will now be helping KPMG bid for £1bn NHS contracts. This presents a serious conflict of interest and misuse of his privileged position on the select committee making him unfit to continue as an MP.
Public trust in politicians is vital for a working democracy but is currently at an all time low. Dorrell's action in joining KPMG displays yet enough cynical lack of integrity amongst MPs. Civil Servants have to wait 2 years to take up such posts relating to their government work, so MPs should also follow this principle.
If it is discovered that Stephen Dorrell was in discussion with KPMG whilst Chair of the select committee, it would discredit the role of select committees.
See Mirror article here:
And Daily Telegraph article:
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