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To: Metropolitan Police, Harrow Council and MP Gareth Thomas.

Drunks left to drink in a no drinking zone, and expose themselves when urinating in a public place

Please enforce the ban.
Work with local shops to.encourage them not to sell to these street drinkers.
Speak with Asda about also ensuring they do not serve them.
Council to remove benches so it is less inviting.
Council to send enforcement officers to issue penalties.

Why is this important?

These drinkers are anti-social, intimidating and encourage other anti-social types of people to congregate in this residential area up to 18 hours a day. Fights break out, glass bottles are thrown without any consideration of the passers by. Men urinate where ever they feel convenient, exposing themselves to passers by, women and children included. Their anti-social behaviour keeps residents awake, and feel uneasy in their own area. When their behaviour needs police and ambulances to attend the amount that need to attend must be a massive strain on these services. This cannot be left to continue! Harrow Council and the Police have made no effort to make this a priority, and they must. The residents of Wealdstone will not be ignored any longer.
Wealdstone, Harrow

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2018-09-22 12:57:49 +0100

So we have been heard! Dispersal order was put in place between 22nd September and the 27th September and now all but three central benches have been removed from the square. Thank you for signing.

2018-08-30 14:00:04 +0100

Community meeting for all regarding the next step in our fight to take Wealdstone back; silent protest. Meeting is 7pm at the Masa Restaurant, Headstone Drive, Wealdstone HA35QH on September 10th 2018. Please RSVP so we have an idea on numbers attending (Masa have kindly offered their banquet hall for us to use) [email protected]

2018-08-22 07:29:15 +0100

500 signatures reached

2018-08-06 18:46:59 +0100

More press exposure. Thank you for your support.

2018-08-03 12:42:17 +0100

So today the Harrow Times have reported this issue. We have now at least had our grievances acknowledged by Harrow Council, however their ideas of solutions are still not good enough. Please comment on the article if you can. Thank you again, it's amazing what we have achieved in 4 days and this is only the beginning.

2018-07-31 00:23:05 +0100

This evening the people that reside in then square, intimidated a passer by, who looked like he had come from The Gym. They chased him to his car threw bottles as he drove off and continued to chase him and throwing bottles, without any consideration for anyone; my car and my neighbours car all parked nearby. The police attended and drove through but left the suspects in the square and drove off. This is something I have never witnessed before and shows that by doing nothing the situation is becoming increasingly worse.

2018-07-30 09:45:33 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-07-29 21:15:29 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-07-29 19:20:58 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-07-29 18:32:26 +0100

10 signatures reached