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To: The Department for Work And Pensions

To the DWP. Please reinstate Ava Jolliffe's DLA Carers Benefit

It has been widely reported in the UK press that the Department of Work and Pensions has stoped the care component of a DLA claim for a severely disabled 8 year old girl from the Preston area.

I want the DWP to reinstate this benefit with immediate effect.

Why is this important?

Quite clearly Ava Joliffe requires a carer to be with her for a significant period of each day. Her mother estimates that she currently cares for her daughter for approximately 128 hours a week. It is important that this child gets the care and support she quite clearly requires to have a fulfilled life.




9 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

10 years ago

500 signatures reached

10 years ago

100 signatures reached

10 years ago

50 signatures reached

10 years ago

25 signatures reached

10 years ago

10 signatures reached