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To: South Norfolk Council

Easton Against Development - stop the 900 houses

This petition is to express objection to the scale of the outline planning application No. 2014/2611 submitted by Easton Landowners consortium for 907 new homes and associated development. The village and surrounding area will not be able to cope.

Why is this important?

Easton is planned for a massive housing development over the next 10-15 years, unless the local residents fight against it. Surrounding areas such as Costessey, Queens Hills, Bawburgh, Marlingford and Colton will all be affected if this proposal goes ahead. The area cannot cope with such a large development:

We all know that Longwater and Dereham Road are horrendously busy, at rush hour especially. We've all sat in queues after doing our shopping, on our daily commute or just to get into the city. Queens Hills has just one access road and residents there have to suffer long tailbacks already. Add another 900 houses, each with an average of 1.5 cars per household all commuting and shopping - that's a minimum of another 1350 cars on our local roads from this development alone. Include the local sites already agreed for construction and this equals thousands more cars. Many of our roads are in poor condition with no funding to improve them; they will not cope.

Medical services
How long is the current wait for a routine GP appointment? Roundwell and Mattishall surgeries struggle to keep up with demand for the existing residents. 900 new homes will add 2-3000 new patients onto their books. How long can residents wait to see a doctor or a dentist?

St Peter's C of E Primary School already has two temporary classrooms and split lunch breaks. The expected increase in children in relation to the school will be three times the number of pupils. Parking/drop off provision has been poorly planned and the traffic survey to assess this need was completed in half term. The Council's answer given to traffic issues outside the school - parents and children will be encouraged to walk!

Anglian Water have reported Easton, an area of high ground, will change from a low risk to a medium risk of flooding if the development goes ahead. All surrounding low lying areas will therefore be at significant risk of increased flooding. Marlingford, Colton, Bawburgh could all be affected.

Easton is surrounded by fields containing the habitats of different species of deer, bat and newt. Some of these are endangered, most notably the Great Crested Newt which is officially protected. Adequate surveys and provisions to protect these creatures have not been completed.

Showground events
Some of the areas proposed for development are currently used for parking during events. Where will these vehicles go? Will the public be able to access the events if there is insufficient parking? Easton is already a traffic jam during the bigger shows.

The promise of new facilities?
The proposals outline plans for some amenities, however, these are not scheduled for completion until 75% of the houses are built and occupied, if at all. There is no profit for developers for building amenities and there is no contract clause to force them to provide them. A village shop - who will take this space with Longwater so nearby? The new village hall is barely bigger than the existing and has half the number of parking spaces - this will not be suitable for a population increase of 150%.

Our fair share
In addition to Queens Hills' ongoing development, there is currently large construction also occurring in Costessey including the Hampdens and a further 495 at Lodge Farm. South Norfolk District Council and Norwich are already meeting the required 5 years worth of future housing obligations, with over 6.7 years worth already approved for full planning, giving a total of around 20,000 new homes. Hasn't this area had its fair share of development? How much more can it deal with?

Everybody who lives in Easton and the surrounding areas will be affected by this development if it remains unchallenged.


Having considered the development proposals, I am signing this epetition to object to the planning application of 2014/2611 in Easton, Norfolk.

Please email the decision-makers here on [email protected]; [email protected].
Norwich, Norfolk

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2015-02-24 12:41:30 +0000

500 signatures reached

2015-02-13 18:16:32 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-02-13 14:31:44 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-02-13 13:07:35 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-02-13 12:51:40 +0000

10 signatures reached