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To: Nick McDermott, David Dinsmore, Rupert Murdoch

Explain Depression to Sun Columnist Katie Hopkins

1. Censure your columnist Katie Hopkins to make sure she does not make any more uninformed, offensive or derogatory statements which stigmatise the 1 in 4 people in the UK who suffer from depression, anxiety or other forms of mental illness.

2. Force Katie Hopkins to issue a public apology for her actions on Twitter, in which she condemned those with mental illness as being self-obsessed, and needing to 'Get a grip' while comparing depression to getting caught in the rain with a cheap handbag.

Why is this important?

One in four people suffer from this horrible, debilitating illness EVERY YEAR. It is a significant and proven cause of job losses, marriage breakdowns, drug and alcohol abuse, violence towards women and children, homelessness and suicide. Talking therapies such as counselling & psychotherapy are by far the best way to deal with mental health problems of this kind. Unfortunately the first step to getting help is talking about the illness, but the majority of sufferers do so in silence due to the stigma associated with mental health issues. This stigma is a direct result of the careless, uninformed and often deliberately offensive remarks of people in high profile positions, such as the Sun columnist Katie Hopkins. Until these people stand in solidarity with brave and outspoken public figures like Stephen Fry and Jon Snow this stigma will continue to cause completely unneccessary pain, suffering and even death for those who are afraid to voice the torment they feel. All it takes is a little education and a modicum of compassion. I implore Katie Hopkins to look up from her self-satisfied, self-righteous life and to see the pain that she and her ilk cause with their refusal to accept that others are less able or less equipped to cope with life's hardships.


2015-04-08 19:01:26 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-04-02 21:21:36 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-04-02 18:27:12 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-04-02 16:59:02 +0100

You can register your disgust at this ignorant display of bigotry by tweeting to The Sun's Health Editor Nick McDermott - @mcdermott_n and both SANE and MIND charities @CharitySANE & @MindCharity

2015-04-02 16:55:41 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-04-02 14:59:14 +0100

10 signatures reached