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To: Department for Work and Pensions

Fairness for British ex-pat pensioners

Pay pension parity to all ex-pat pensioners, not freeze the pensions of certain individuals just because they retire to countries which the government does not favour. For example, annual pension increases are paid to pensioners in USA, Israel, Philippines and Turkey yet pensions for Commonwealth countries are frozen.

Why is this important?

Having different levels of pension payment is discriminatory and contrary to the United Nations Social Protocol and the Commonwealth Charter, both of which the British government has signed
People retiring overseas to be near their families for their final years each save the UK around four thousand pounds every year through non-access to the NHS and other pensioner benefits
People retiring overseas release houses for other families so helping the housing crisis
There are thousands of people in Britain who would like to emigrate but cannot afford to do so because of the frozen-pensions' policy. It would benefit the taxpayer to enable these people to emigrate and save the country the #4,000 a year detailed above
It would meet the "fairness" criteria which is supposedly the foundation of every Conservative policy.



2016-03-28 12:08:45 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-18 18:13:12 +0100

10 signatures reached