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To: Basildon Borough Council

Find a new landing spot near Basildon Hospital for Essex Air Ambulance

Find a replacement landing site so that patients in need of life saving treatment can be brought to the Hospital and the regions Cardio Thoracic Unit.

Why is this important?

Having a site near Basildon Hospital will save vital minutes between onset of illness to the patient receiving specialist medical care in hospital. Therefore it is paramount that in the case of cardiac arrests and other heart problems; there is a dedicated landing site allowing these patients the best chance of survival. It would be a tragedy if this crucial and life-saving service lost its ability to serve our community. The Essex Air Ambulance team are attending an increasing number of cardiac arrest cases and for them to lose their ability to do their work is something we should all make a stand against.

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2016-12-17 01:04:39 +0000

10 signatures reached