100 signatures reached
To: Council
Find Our family a forever home

Let us bid on homes that are only suitable for adaptations to meet our family requirements instead of letting us bid on homes that am completely unsuitable for adaptations and being turned down
Why is this important?
This is a real situation that requires knowledge as we are trying our best to met our disabled daughters needs who suffers a extremely rare gentic disorder fumarase defincey she is only uk case with this strain and with less than 20-25 cases worldwide she suffers global development delay seizures drop attacks and requires 24 hour care we are sleeping on sofas in living room to met our daughters needs As we had adaptations 9years ago and at that time it suited her needs but unfortunately her needs have changed and this home no longer suits her needs she is unable to get up and down stairs for a bath that she absolutely loves so untill we can have a bath fitted she only as a bath at respite as parents we are trying our best to get things right so we can keep caring for her into adult hood but with out the right home this is putting our daughter and ourselfs at risk and causing a lot of strain on our family the home is totally unsuitable we can't fit wheelchair through doors which our daughter needs daily we have watch meltdowns temper trantrums due to her not understanding why she can't have bath this is heartbreaking to watch please take time to support our daughters voice we need it to be heard we need to find a forever home