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To: Somerset Council

Please fix the Market House junction

Please carry out essential maintenance to the cobbled roundabout to make it safer and less slippery. It is in need of urgent repairs.

Why is this important?

Many people have told us that they find this junction to be scary, and some people avoid the area with their bikes. This is due to a slippery and very uneven surface making it difficult to properly steer a cycle and hand signal. This is especially so when vehicles are in conflict with cyclist's movements. We know that people have sustained injuries, either due to other vehicles hitting them or by slipping and sustaning a broken limb. By ignoring this danger for vulnerable road users for so many years, SWT and SCC are both in breach of their 'duty of care'.

Yet it is the heart of town routes that people wish to use. It is one of the 15 hotspots from our 2016 user survey. It is part of the SWT proposed Vivary Park-Station route. Without greater safety here, this route will not be effective.

Here are just a few of the many dozens of comments that we have recieved:

'Death trap as it’s so wobbly. Never risked going round in the rain.'

'The cobbles are so bumpy and dangerously slippery in wet weather and makes it impossible to signal to other motorists where you are exiting. Both hands need to be on the handlebars to be able to maintain control of the bike.'

'The cobbles and ridges between mean that the bike wheel gets stuck in the ruts and therefore difficult to steer. Need to hold very tight to handle-bars - therefore impossible to make signals to other road users. Also very prone to wobbling across the traffic because to the ruts.'

'The cobbles are dangerous as I feel that my tyres will slip, especially in wet weather. Also, the jolting on my bike is uncomfortable and painful. I try to avoid cycling on this part whenever possible.'

'vibration through seat handle bars for no suspension bike. Also bad for walkers on carnival night'

'MotorBike tires slide during wet weather'

We supported previous Somerset West and Taunton Council's High St Fund bid which included funding to provide a safer surface for cycling at the junction. We were in discussion with SWT on how this would be designed, for several of years. Now SWT's successor , Somerset Council,  say they have pulled this project This is a major let down. They are pulling the scheme because bus priority measures are being considered for East Reach and this might affect the Market St roundabout (although buses currently use the junction in all directions without issues). 

Given that the Council has pulled the scheme, they should at least carry out urgent repairs to make it safe. This should include filling the gaps between the cobbles, repairing the subsiding areas and making the surface less slippery in the wet. Somerset Council is in breach of a clear 'duty of care' to cyclists and motor cyclists  in failing to maintain a safe surface on the roundabout.

How it will be delivered

We plan to present the petition to the full Somerset Council meeting on 18 December 2024.

Taunton, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2025-01-02 16:52:54 +0000

We presented the petition to Somerset Council on 18 Dec 2024 at their full Council meeting. They responded at the meeting. They acknowledge that there is an issue but say that they don't have funding. Yet they do have a maintenance budget and have recently been awarded additional funding by the government. Essentially there are not prepared to prioritise two wheeler safety even on their own priority active travel route. Media coverage here

2024-05-13 15:32:21 +0100

Thank you for supporting this petition. We also have supporters on a paper petition. Somerset Council have refused to improve the surface on the basis that one day they may change the town centre traffic system, and that spending might be abortive (they have received central govt grant for improvements, which they have re-allocated to other projects). However, the condition of the cobbles continues to get worse. We are asking them to do basic maintenance. Please report the poor condition of the cobbles at You can use photos from our website

2022-09-15 19:29:46 +0100

100 signatures reached

2022-08-16 17:56:55 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-08-10 09:32:18 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-08-09 10:26:33 +0100

10 signatures reached