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To: Essex County Council - Essex Highways

Fix The Roads and Pavements of Castle Point

Fix The Roads and Pavements of Castle Point.

Why is this important?

The roads and pavements of the Castle Point area of Essex have been neglected for years. Many defects have been reported and the response to the poor state of the roads and pavements has been woeful.

These defects are a serious danger to the people of Castle Point and those who travel around the area. Millions of pounds are sent to ECC from Castle Point Council tax payers each year but the effort put into repairs to roads and pavements in Castle Point is totally inadequate.

There needs to be a rapid improvement and much more transparency around record keeping by ECC so progress can be measured. Bland reassurances that all is well when clearly it is not are not acceptable. This situation must be rectified.

The safety of road and pavement users in Castle Point is being put at risk because of poor maintenance. This is not acceptable.

Castle Point District, UK

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