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To: Theresa May, Home Secretary

Give asylum for Abu Shuja's family

Abu Shuja's family deserves to get some help from UK. Abu Shuja is doing a lot, he is fighting against the biggest enemy of every country. UK has a moral responsability to offer asylum for his family.

Why is this important?

ISIS is the most brutal terrorist group of our time. Under the guise of religion, they murder, rape, pillage, and enslave, destroying whole cities to achieve power and control over new territory and natural resources. Victims are forced to convert to Islam as the group slavishly follows a perverted version of the teachings of Islam to suit their agenda.

In August 2014 the terrorists invaded the lands around Mount Sinjar in Iraq, home to the minority Yazidi people. They slaughtered males of fighting age and abducted women and little children to be sold as slaves. They separated families and took young girls for their own sexual gratification, the young boys were forced to become their trainees. The captives have had no one to count on for help but their families, who might be blackmailed for thousands of dollars in ransom. Most of the time, however, surviving relatives never even know if their abducted loved ones are alive or where they’re kept.

In this awful situation, one man stood up against ISIS and its reign of terror. A former smuggler, Abu Shuja, uses his extensive covert network throughout Iraq and abroad, to take back Yazidi captives from ISIS. He organises and takes part in rescue missions, saving the abducted from terrorists and reuniting them with their families. He has saved about 380 children, women and girls by now. He estimates that about 2,700-2,800 people are still being kept hostages by ISIS. For that, he risks his own life every day. Not only is he in danger of being killed or captured during the operations, he also receives regular death threats; but he still can’t give up, he knows he is the only hope for so many people.
His courage comes at a price; to protect his family, Abu Shuja has had to part with them and send his wife and children to safety abroad. Abu Shuja's family was arrested while being smuggled from Turkey to Bulgaria. They are now one of many refugees from Iraq and Syria seeking asylum in Europe and now their lives too depend on the kindness of strangers.

Abu Shuja continues to rescue Yazidi hostages from ISIS.



2020-03-23 14:37:41 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-03-21 07:14:29 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-10-16 14:55:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-02-11 08:27:19 +0000

10 signatures reached