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To: HM Government/The Leader of the House of Commons Rt Hon David Lidington MP

Give us our own seat in the House of Commons

Create a seat in the House of Commons for a people's representative from 38 Degrees or other group to act as a politically neutral mouthpiece of the people. This person will vote in the House on the people's behalf, report results of any opinion polls, campaigns and public votes in advance of parliamentary debates and raise debates in the House when petitions obtain the required number of signatures.

Why is this important?

Democracy is our most important value. I can think of nothing more worthy of our protection and our support. But most people don't feel that they are truly represented. At the beginning of each five year period we all place an 'x' on a ballot and hope, hope, hope that our representatives maintain our best interests at heart and be the voice of our collectivised will, bolstering issues that we care deeply about. Other than this vote, and lobbying our MPs, people feel they have no power to effect real change in politics. But we live in a democracy. Don't we? What if we had our own politically neutral representative in the House? What if we, the people, had our very own seat? Issues we cared about would be guaranteed to be heard. And it would indeed be the majority voice that would achieve recognition. Those who were motivated to do so would finally have the chance to vote on each issue and to have direct and continuous input. It would be true democracy in action. A representative, from 38 Degrees or whomever we saw fit, would simply act as a mouthpiece of the people and could report the results of public votes in advance of parliamentary debates and any petitions with the required number of signatures would actually be heard and debated. This person would have no allegiance to any party nor would they have their own personal agenda. They would simply report our collectivised will and vote in the House accordingly. One could even argue that the people's vote in the House ought to be worth more weight. But even with only a single vote, we would at least have a presence in the House which could not easily be overlooked. I do feel that representative democracy via election of MPs rightly has its place, but this would also give us a chance to have our say, not only at the ballot box, but throughout the whole democratic process. We wouldn't have to simply rely only on the hope that our MPs will always vote the way we want: if we cared enough we could vote on each piece of legislation directly ourselves. This is a proposal simply to enrich the democratic process and to give everyone the platform with which to engage in their democracy themselves.



2016-05-12 16:37:52 +0100

10 signatures reached