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To: Great Western Railway (GWR)

GWR - Keep Our Vital Train Services Running

We urge GWR to reinstate the vital train services to Oxford that will be removed so that people in our local communities can continue to use public transport for their daily commutes.

Why is this important?

GWR's revised timetable from December 2023 for the Banbury to Oxford line removes two of the most vital commuting services for the intermediate stations Kings Sutton, Heyford and Tackley. These services are used every day by many workers and schoolchildren – not just from these villages but from the surrounding areas.

Specifically, these are the morning service which arrives into Oxford at 0905, and the evening service which leaves Oxford at 1755. These trains are very well used, and are the services which are most closely aligned with an average person's working day, so this seems an extraordinary change to make.

The re-timing of the services mean that (for Heyford) there are trains at 0741 and 0955 in the morning but no other trains stopping in between – meaning that there are no trains available at the key times many people need to travel to work. In the evening there are return services leaving Oxford at 1653 and 1859, but again nothing in between.

This would result in a significantly longer working day for many, and if this change goes ahead, many of the affected people from these areas will inevitably end up driving instead (if they are able to), meaning additional cars on the road.

These train services that fit with the working day are vital for people in living in Oxfordshire villages – help us continue being able to use public transport for our daily commutes, and avoid unnecessary car journeys.

After signing the petition, please also consider lodging a complaint by contacting GWR Customer Services directly at [email protected] and let them know how you will be affected.

How it will be delivered


Oxfordshire, UK

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2023-10-28 00:04:00 +0100

Delighted to say that GWR have confirmed they have taken on board customer feedback about the changes to these services, and after consultation with Network Rail, they have now been reverted.

This very welcome news came before we had submitted the final petition to GWR, though we have subsequently sent this to them for the record, to emphasise the strength of feeling these proposed changes generated among our local communities.

Thanks to everyone who supported this petition, contacted GWR directly, contacted their MP, and other local transport organisations. Hopefully we will be able to continue using these services long into the future!

You can read more about the retention of these services on Oxfordshire County Council's website here:

See you on the 0848!

Andrew Worrell
Chris Adamson
Duncan Hedley
John-Paul Clough
John Salt
Maria O’Meara

2023-10-21 12:05:53 +0100

Potentially some very good news! Checking the GWR journey planner for dates in December, it appears that the affected services have been restored to (very close to) their original times – still awaiting official comment / confirmation from GWR, but this looks very positive – in the meantime, huge thanks to everyone who has supported this campaign!

2023-10-17 07:33:54 +0100

500 signatures reached

2023-10-16 11:23:27 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-10-16 10:00:41 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-10-12 14:07:38 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-10-11 14:29:49 +0100

10 signatures reached