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To: Cambs and Peterborough CCG, NHS England, Jonathan Djanogly MP

Hands Off Hinchingbrooke - Keep Our Hospital Public: No More Private Sector Experiments

Secure the long-term future of Hinchingbrooke Hospital by making sure it remains within the NHS as a publicly funded, publicly owned and democratically accountable service. No more private sector experiments and no to further franchising deals.

Why is this important?

On Friday 9th January 2015, the disastrous Circle franchising experiment finally came to an end after they walked away from Hinchingbrooke Hospital just before a CQC report announced that their running of the hospital was inadequate and highlighted serious concerns over patient safety, staffing and financial difficulties.

Campaigners have called for Circle to be sacked however take no pleasure in being vindicated in every criticism and concern that was raised. This was a disaster waiting to happen and Circle lurched from disaster to disaster from day one.

Losing key figures such as Circle Chief Exec Ali Parsa who quit merely 6 months into the 10 year deal with a £400,000 payout followed swiftly by the Chief Exec of the hospital who took 'early retirement' at the age of 50 hinted at serious underlying problems.

Staff cuts including nearly 50 nursing posts and axing cleaning staff have contributed to the issues highlighted in the CQC report, along with the closure of an elderly trauma ward in 2013.

Circle were held up as a flagship for NHS privatisation however the knight in shining armour never materialised, Now it is up to us to fight to save Hinchingbrooke.

Sign the petition and join us in calling for Hinchingbrooke to remain within the NHS and say no to private sector experiments or further franchising deals


2015-01-12 22:20:26 +0000

500 signatures reached

2015-01-10 11:21:46 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-01-09 23:16:37 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-01-09 21:24:23 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-01-09 21:02:55 +0000

10 signatures reached