Please stop Lafarge Tarmac from quarrying in Hopwas Woods.
Why is this important?
We want the chairman to take real steps to make sure this quarrying doesn't happen.
This area of ancient, beautiful woodland, has been used and enjoyed by locals since before the Doomsday Book.
This vital natural landscape is used, treasured and cared for on a daily basis by many of the 79,000 residents of Tamworth and more from Hopwas and surrounding areas.
The industrial use of this ancient site should not be allowed because it cannot be replaced and because the short and long term damage to the ecosystem in this small woodland will be unsustainable.
Planning permission should be refused on many grounds, all relating to Staffordshire County Council's:
Best Value Performance Plan
Children and Young People's Plan
Strategic Plan
Sustainable Community Strategy
Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategies
Development Plan Minerals and Waste
Development Framework
The objection to development of this natural heritage, extends to a national level, as well, and representation needs to be made to government by our representatives from Staffs Council, on behalf of all the people signing this petition.
Lagarge Tarmac are the owners of the wood, and as such, must acknowledge it's value as a site of local and national natural heritage and not attempt to profit from it as a quarry of any kind.