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To: Steve Barclay

HRT Supply Shortage

There is a significant shortage of HRT medication in the UK. The current demand for HRT cannot be met and women are going without essential medication they are being prescribed. Menopausal symptoms are totally debilitating for many women and without medication they are suffering with symptoms that can be reduced and even eliminated with HRT. There needs to be greater supply, funding and awareness of the problems facing thousands of women in the UK right now. Supply simply cannot meet demand at present.

Why is this important?

The perimenopause, surgical menopause and premature menopause robs many women of their confidence, self esteem and resilience. It can cause anxiety, relationship breakdowns and the loss of confidence to do a job they may have enjoyed and done well for many years. The lack of HRT in the UK is causing greater worry, stress and anxiety for thousands of women who simply cannot access their prescriptions due to lack of supply. This is despite many being on HRT for months or years. It is time the government recognised the impact the perimenopause and menopause can have on a women's life and support the supply chain through additional funding to meet demand.

United Kingdom

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