500 signatures reached
To: Nottingham North & East Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

We demand that:
a) the CCG is open and honest about the true picture of provision in Hucknall
b) the CCG produce a long-term, sustainable solution for Whyburn and not just a temporary solution based on part-time doctors and locums
c) the CCG allocate resources to meet the increasing demands placed on Hucknall surgeries both by town developments in general and the increase in Care Homes in particular
d) the CCG ensures that any additional resources are allocated on a cross-Hucknall basis supporting each surgery.
a) the CCG is open and honest about the true picture of provision in Hucknall
b) the CCG produce a long-term, sustainable solution for Whyburn and not just a temporary solution based on part-time doctors and locums
c) the CCG allocate resources to meet the increasing demands placed on Hucknall surgeries both by town developments in general and the increase in Care Homes in particular
d) the CCG ensures that any additional resources are allocated on a cross-Hucknall basis supporting each surgery.
Why is this important?
The handing in of the contract at Whyburn surgery will leave our community woefully short of full-time doctors and extend waiting times beyond the, already unacceptable, level. Hucknall people deserve better.