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To: British Broadcasting Corporation

I demand that the BBC allow the SNP to participate in the UK General Election debate.

I demand that if you ask Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP to take part in the National UK general election debate, that you should also ask the leader of SNP to take part in the debate. SNP holds six MP seats in the House of Commons, where as currently UKIP only has one. If you compare MPs, MEPs, and MSPs, SNP currently holds 73 seats in total, where as UKIP only has 28 seats in total.

Why is this important?

Simply put this is undemocratic, if you allow UKIP, who's popularity mainly exists down in the South of England to take part in the UK general election debate, then you should for democratic purposes allow the SNP leader to take part in this debate also.


2014-10-25 14:22:41 +0100

10,000 signatures reached

2014-10-14 20:58:40 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2014-10-13 23:37:09 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2014-10-13 21:55:02 +0100

500 signatures reached

2014-10-13 20:08:03 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-10-13 19:41:04 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-10-13 19:29:00 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-10-13 19:15:53 +0100

10 signatures reached