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To: Suffolk local councils

Improved broadband and mobile networks for rural communities in Suffolk

Please exert increased pressure on BT and mobile providers to provide improved networks into rural Suffolk indiscriminately.

Why is this important?

High speed broadband internet and mobile networks connect people, they spur economic development, improve education, health care, and environmental sustainability. Without this kind of infrastructure, many rural and under-served communities and their residents remain at a disadvantage, unable to access the benefits or opportunities available to already “connected” communities.

Broadband and mobile reception in some areas of Suffolk is as good as non-existent. Even checking emails for some people is an almost impossible task. This stifles business growth, disadvantages our educational institutions and disconnects our communities.

By 2017 we are promised that both poor downloads speeds and the phenomenal inequality of those who are connected and those who are not, will be things of the past, and that 95% of the country will have access to superfast broadband. Please don't let vast swathes of Suffolk be within that remaining 5% not-spot.

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2015-11-10 21:08:43 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-11-10 10:02:58 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-10-05 12:31:07 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-03 09:08:51 +0100

10 signatures reached