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To: Warwickshire County Council Highways

Improving Road Safety on A426 Rugby, Warwickshire

We want the County Council to listen to residents of Rugby about the appalling speeding, danger to pedestrians and the lack of clear road markings on the roundabouts on this road and take action to improve the safety of residents who have to use this road on a daily basis.

Why is this important?

For too long pedestrians, cyclists and motorists have had to deal with traffic approaching and leaving Rugby at high speed along the A426. The number of pedestrians trying to cross the road has increased in recent years as more development of residential areas along side this busy road has taken place. More children are walking down the side of the road to get to school, and the number of cars and lorries using it has increased as more logistics depots have been built in Coton Park and Rochberie Heights. There are frequent minor accidents at roundabouts along the length of the road as road markings have worn away and drivers do not observe lane discipline.  Pleas from local councillors to Warwickshire County Council Highways for action to be taken have fallen on deaf ears. We are now calling on the County Council to take action to reduce traffic speed along the section of the road that is currently 60 mph to 40 mph and to review and repaint the lane markings at the roundabouts.

1 M6, Orton, Penrith CA10 3SB, UK

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